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Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

10 Forbidden Foods For The Belly Went to leave before this time.

10 Forbidden Foods For The Belly Went to leave before this time.. During pregnancy, you should eat all five meals to provide the body with the nutrients necessary for the mother and baby. But there are many foods that pregnant women should wave hands during pregnancy. Let's see what it is.

10. Forbidden foods for pregnant women are as follows.

1. Caffeine

Abstinence should be avoided with caffeinated beverages, tea, coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks. These drinks will stimulate blood pumping. Increased diuretics cause you to urinate more often. The pregnancy is often pee. And indirectly cause your mother's heart to work harder. It also dissolves calcium and minerals in the body as well.

2. Raw or semi-cooked raw eggs.

The pregnant mother should eat cooked eggs, eggs, boiled eggs, omelets, etc., because raw eggs or raw eggs, resulting in the risk of Salmonella infection is a group of bacteria that can cause the intestinal wall to become ulcer. And part of the food poisoning it.

3. Cooked food is not cooked.

Meat, red meat, chicken or meat of all kinds. The raw or cooked dishes such as grilled steaks, Northeastern food, fish sauce, oysters, shrimp, soaked fish sauce. Or even sushi Cooked with raw meat or raw meat of all kinds.

4. Milk and some chesee

Fresh milk and some cheese that are not heat-treated or disinfected, such as Cummings, Blue Cheese, because these Cheese may mix with Listeria bacteria. It is harmful to the mother and baby.

5. Peanuts

In case your father or mother has an allergy history. It should be avoided because in medical beliefs, peanuts contribute to the development of allergy to the fetus.

6. Instant noodles

Do not advise you to boil noodles that you made before pregnancy. These instant noodles are seasoned. And MSG in high doses. It will increase the sodium or salt level to the body beyond the necessity. The blood circulation and digestive system work hard.

7. Some marine fish

Some marine fish should not be eaten by fish such as tilapia, swordfish, shark fish, which are naturally high levels of mercury that cause harm to the fetus. Even tuna is high in mercury. Should not exceed 2 cans per week.

8. Tasty food

The salty foods are sweet and salty, and cause the heart and kidneys to work harder. Sweet taste increases the burden on the pancreas, requires insulin to regulate sugar levels. And make your mother more weight. In addition, the sour taste, spicy, will increase the burden on the stomach to work hard to cause flatulence and acid reflux to the mother.

9. Vitamins of all kinds.

Vitamin supplements during pregnancy should consult your doctor before it. If vitamin supplements get too much, it will result in more than good results. The liver must work hard because it eliminates the toxicity of excess vitamins from the body. Equal to increased workload for the liver. The body does not take advantage of the excess vitamins, but the money to buy it, but not useful as well.

10. Alcoholic beverages of all kinds, including smoking.

This mother knows everyone is sure. Because alcoholic beverages of all kinds. Beer, wine, liqueur, liqueur, fermented food, alcoholic beverage Or a mixture of alcoholic beverages of all kinds. If you drink into a drink. The first two months of pregnancy will result in cesarean births including cigarettes, resulting in abortions. Premature The baby has not developed enough.
It is already known that food and drink should be avoided for the stomach. I love it. Then take birth Patient not to eat foods that should not eat during pregnancy. But it will affect the health of mother and baby in the womb. It is really worth the patience.

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